Project Description
Due to the pandemic, many organizations have had to take a closer look at their current Safety Procedures and make changes to accommodate the current COVID-19 guidelines.
A fire department in North Texas was in need of an additional 2-story storage room build out to store COVID-19 personal protection equipment and emergency materials while kept at a constant 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
The sealed storage room was built inside of a larger metal storage building with its own HVAC system. A stairway on the outside of the storage unit was built leading to the second story loft of the storage building. An additional concrete walking path was added to the location around the exterior of the building.
Modifications were made to the building for the installation of a thru-wall package drop vault near the entrance. The storage room is equipped with added smoke detectors and reinforced 18 gauge metal doors.
This project was designed and built within one month.