There are two elements of wastewater management: SWPPP (SWP3) – temporary, during construction (State/TCEQ) SWQMP – permanent, after construction is complete (City) SWPPP (SWP3) – Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: The SWPPP is a document that outlines how a construction project will minimize storm water pollution. Construction sites are a well-known source of sediment and …
Asbestos – Busting the Myths
Myth #1 – Asbestos is banned and no longer used. Asbestos regulations in the United States have become more severe since 1991, but the mineral has not been banned all together. Today, over 3,000 consumer goods still contain asbestos. Many of these products can be found in your local hardware or home improvement store. Additionally, …
Mold Myths Busted!
MYTH: Buildings can, and should, be completely free of mold. FALSE: Mold spores are part of the natural environment and are all around us both when we are inside and outside. It would be virtually impossible (and totally unnecessary for most people) to remove every mold spore from a building. Greater amounts of mold can …
All About Lead
What is Lead? Lead is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. While it has some beneficial uses, it can be toxic to humans and animals, causing health issues. Lead-Based Paint (LBP): Lead-based paints were banned for residential use in 1978. Homes and facilities built in the U.S. before 1978 …
Why Choose a Cooperative Contract?
The procurement process for competitive bids can be quite labor intensive, expensive, and time consuming. Below is an example of the standard project procurement workflow. This process can take 90 days or more! Why not skip the hassle and use a cooperative contract! With a cooperative contract, that 90 day process becomes 30 days! Members …
Disaster Recovery for Tornado Season
Texas averages 132 tornadoes a year. The majority of those tornadoes happen in the months of April, May, and June as cold weather meets the beginning of the summer heat. Tornados tend to take the path of least resistance through open fields, and unfortunately through buildings, houses, and highways. Natural disasters are difficult to prepare …
All About Mold
What is mold and what causes it? Mold is a type of fungus that is present in our natural environment. Mold spores, which are tiny microscopic ‘seeds’, can be found everywhere, including inside buildings, and are a part of the general dust found in buildings and offices. These spores can start growing on building materials …
All About Asbestos
What is Asbestos? Asbestos is the name given to a group of naturally occurring minerals that are resistant to heat and corrosion. Asbestos includes the mineral fibers chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, anthophyllite, actinolite and any of these materials that have been chemically treated or altered. Brief History: Although the use of asbestos dates back to …
Sam Houston Historic Park Renovations
The City of Houston General Services Department, on behalf of the Houston Parks and recreation Department, contracted with ERC to perform repairs of the historic buildings in Sam Houston Park. A total of eight (8) buildings were identified and a scope of work was prepared based on their unique needs. Although all eight buildings are of the same …
ERC at Prairie View A&M Senior Building Coordinators
ERC CEO and Founder, Kommy M. Azarpour, was recently invited to deliver a presentation on mold in our environment to the Senior Building Coordinators at Prairie View A&M University. The presentation covered the most common molds found in our environment, sources, locations, prevention and proactive approach. At ERC, we are committed to providing the utmost …