Keep Your Home Winter Resilient

On Monday, January 6, 2025, Texas was hit in the early morning with a polar vortex which is an area of low pressure that sends freezing temperatures from the Artic to the south 1. Texas experienced a polar vortex back in 2021 that lasted around eight days where at its peak, 10 million people were without power and over 200 people lost their their lives 2.

This freeze is predicted to last a week and while the freezing temperatures have already arrived, there is still time to prepare your homes and properties to face the cold.


Before a freeze

  1. Protect your pipes

Locate and cover exterior faucets and pipes with insulated faucet covers and pipe insulation foam or spare towels, blankets, and clothes.

In un-heated areas like the garage or attic, you will want to insulate your pipes the same way.

  1. Inspect doors and windows

Inspect all windows and doors to see if there are any cracks or openings that could let in cold air. You will want to seal these with the appropriate material like caulk, weather stripping, or a door draft blocker.

  1. Prepare driveways for ice

While it’s rare for ice to form in Texas, it is still possible and good to be prepared.

Chemical de-icers are an effective way to melt ice and prevent it from accumulating, however, they are harmful to pets, plants, and the environment.

Non-chemical alternatives such as sand, gravel, and kitty litter “create traction and stop ice from bonding” to the driveway and is safer for the environment 3.

  1. Protect your plants

Outside your property, cover any greenery with spare towels and blankets and bring small potted plants inside.

  1. Purchase supplies

Before the roads become dangerous to drive on, go out and purchase supplies in case you lose power.

Make sure you have working flashlights, spare batteries, candles, and if possible, a generator.

Stock up on non-perishable food that don’t require a heat or power to eat.


During a freeze

  1. Reverse ceiling fans

Reverse the direction of you ceiling fan when it gets cold because it will push the warm air that naturally rises, down 4. To do this, there is switch on the side of the fan that will reverse the fan for you.


After a freeze

  1. Walk your property

Once the freeze has passed, walk your property to check for damages.

You will want to use all of your senses as damages can be hidden out of sight. Look for pooled water or wet spots. Listen for dripping. Then, a couple days following the freeze, take notice if there’s unusual odors which could be a sign of a burst pipe.

  1. Let your faucets run

If your plumbing has remained intact, turn on all your faucets and let them run for a minute. Take notice of the water pressure and if there is any discoloration or smell.

Also, flush all toilets to make sure they are functioning properly.

  1. Inspect your roof

Inspect your roof for any pooled water or damage from fallen debris.




Everyone at ERC hopes Houstonians and Texans stay safe and warm during this freeze.


If you or your loved ones need emergency assistance due to the freeze, call 9-1-1.

To stay informed on the freeze, watch or listen to your local news as well as the National Weather Service. Click here for Houston.

To stay up to date on any National Weather Service alerts in Houston click here.

In case of a power outage, further prepare by reading this article from the Red Cross.

If you need to travel, be careful and cautious and before you go, inform yourself on any road closures or damages here.

If your home or property was damaged due to the freeze, submit a claim with the Texas Division of Emergency Management.


If your home or property was affected due to the Texas freeze, contact ERC at 713-290-9444.

We have highly skilled professionals trained in commercial and residential construction ready to help repair anything from roofs, electrical, plumbing, and mechanical.

If you experienced any water leaks, you might want to assess for mold, ERC can help with that too! Our licensed environmental technicians are proficient in mold assessments and if need be, mold remediation.

Give us a call or contact us through our website contact page to get a quote!




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