On Monday, January 6, 2025, Texas was hit in the early morning with a polar vortex which is an area of low pressure that sends freezing temperatures from the Artic to the south 1. Texas experienced a polar vortex back in 2021 that lasted around eight days where at its peak, 10 million people were …
Cement Alternatives to Help the Earth
Cement is a strong binding agent, (and the most popular binder used in construction), which serves as the primary ingredient in concrete. Concrete plays an important role in construction as a critical component in foundations, structures, roads, bridges, highways, and more. The production levels of cement continue to rise every year. Last year, the world …
Disaster Recovery Planning
During hurricane season, ERC would like to offer the some guiding steps to prepare for a natural disaster and how we can help you recover. Preparing for a storm requires due diligence before the storm, as well as assessing what is needed to recover from one. Preparation for post-hurricane damage is critical. Questions you should …
Closing Out a UST Project with TCEQ
In 2012 a Houston area college purchased a plot of land for a parking lot. Part of the financing requirements included an Environmental Site Assessment (ESA). During the ESA, Phase I, it was determined that there was an abandoned gas station on the premises. The underground storage tanks needed to removed and the groundwater and …
Lead and Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
ERC has seen an uptick in requests for HUD-related lead-based paint inspections. It seems HUD is cracking down on housing authorities and other organizations who receive HUD funding, looking for proper documentation of these required inspections. Housing (single and multi-family) supported by HUD, built before 1978, is required to have lead inspection documentation on file. …
What are ESAs?
What is an ESA? ESAs are typically conducted at properties with a history of commercial or industrial use. The Environmental Site Assessment is a process of evaluating the environmental liability of a real estate asset. Specifically, Environmental Site Assessment or “ESA” is the process of conducting “all appropriate inquiry” into the past or present uses …
Storm Water Management in Texas
There are two elements of wastewater management: SWPPP (SWP3) – temporary, during construction (State/TCEQ) SWQMP – permanent, after construction is complete (City) SWPPP (SWP3) – Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan: The SWPPP is a document that outlines how a construction project will minimize storm water pollution. Construction sites are a well-known source of sediment and …
Asbestos – Busting the Myths
Myth #1 – Asbestos is banned and no longer used. Asbestos regulations in the United States have become more severe since 1991, but the mineral has not been banned all together. Today, over 3,000 consumer goods still contain asbestos. Many of these products can be found in your local hardware or home improvement store. Additionally, …
Mold Myths Busted!
MYTH: Buildings can, and should, be completely free of mold. FALSE: Mold spores are part of the natural environment and are all around us both when we are inside and outside. It would be virtually impossible (and totally unnecessary for most people) to remove every mold spore from a building. Greater amounts of mold can …
All About Lead
What is Lead? Lead is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. While it has some beneficial uses, it can be toxic to humans and animals, causing health issues. Lead-Based Paint (LBP): Lead-based paints were banned for residential use in 1978. Homes and facilities built in the U.S. before 1978 …