Project Info

  • Construction Date

    December 2020

  • ERC Project #


  • Client

    City of Dickinson City Hall Renovations

  • Solution Provided

    Commercial Construction

Project Description

Dickinson City Hall / WCID modifications- demolition of council room, Mayors’ office, and WICD office to support social distancing. Period of Performance was 21 calendar days. We constructed a Dias (council chambers desk) that allows for 6ft distancing between 9 members of council including mayor. Constructed AV / storage room in chambers. Hung 98in flat screens TVs in council chambers, re-carpeted and painted council room. Opened up Mayors’ office to a large conference room for social distancing. Re-carpeted Jury room.

WCID modifications- demoed all mill-work, VCT, carpet. Re-carpeted, new VCT, new paint and added a social distancing Pharmacy type transaction window for citizens to drop off water bills. Original plans became obsolete during construction as it was agreed upon by all including end users to remove the fur downs and redo the ceiling grid instead.